Scottish Widows Service Quality

You might have seen recent articles in the press (or elsewhere) highlighting poor levels of service from Scottish Widows in relation to:

  • Answering calls,
  • Paying out death benefits,
  • Straightforward transactions in relation to pension pots.

I’m pleased to confirm that Scottish Widows have a dedicated service team for the administration of the RMDCP which is ringfenced from the wider Scottish Widows pension administration services, and that the poor levels of service highlighted in those recent articles have not been experienced by members of the RMDCP.

In relation to call answering, Scottish Widows are about to go live with a “Queue Buster” option for callers into the RMDCP. This means you’ll have the option of a call back rather than sitting waiting in a queue – you’ll retain your place in the queue, so a call back will auto trigger as soon as the next call handler becomes available.

The Trustees are in regular contact with the Scottish Widows service team regarding the maintenance of the high levels of service that our members have the right to expect across all areas of administration.

All the best, Tim

(Tim Spriddell, Trustee Executive)

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