Pension fraud – PLEASE don’t be a victim

Hello again, one and all!

Some of you will have read the article on pension fraud in the Summer Newsletter.

In the article we highlighted some of the offers that scammers may make. The first obvious thing to be suspicious of? They contact you. You should also consider these to be warning signs:

  • Offer you a free pension review
  • Promise you better returns on your pension savings
  • Offer to help you to take money out of your pension pot before the age of 55
  • Put you under pressure to make a decision with ‘time-limited offers’
  • Try and entice you with unusual ‘exotic’ investments that are hard to understand
  • Suggest arrangements made up of several different parties – some of which may be overseas
  • Offer long-term investments where you might not notice that something is wrong until years later.

Why not watch a short video about it?

Our friends at Quietroom have made a short video which brings the topic to life. Why not watch it now – it’s less than three minutes long and it just might avoid you being scammed!

Wishing you all the very best,


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